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My dad bought a computer when I was five years old. I could draw pictures and listen to music on it. But once, the computer was down suddenly. My dad told me that it might be attacked by computer virus.

I was so scared that I asked dad anxiously, "Did it get a flu? Did it need some medicine?" But dad laughed and said smilingly, "Don't be silly, son. No medicine can cure a computer virus. It's a problem of program." I didn't understand what my dad said at that time. But I made up my mind to study hard and to be a computer expert in the future.


I think childhood is the happiest period in life, because there are few troubles and worries at that time. The only thing we worry about is our study. Therefore, it’s a time for fun and enjoyment. In my memory, my childhood was colorful and interesting. I was born in the countryside, and I didn’t have many toys, just like other kids in my hometown. But as a creative group, we could always make a lot of toys by ourselves, which need no money at all.


Today was the first day of our military training.A sharp whistle woke us up in the early were dressed in a hurry and rushed to the playground we lined up,there came a soldier who said that he would be in charge of our was strict with kept us training almost for all r that,we were all exhausted.I think I will never forget it.


  • 標籤: 趣事 作文 英語 童年 以論語爲話題的作文
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